Platinum Music Awards
The Platinum Music Awards celebrate the lifetime achievement of New Mexico’s music heroes and icons. The Awards are an evolution of the Platinum Achievement Awards created by the New Mexico Music Commission (NMMC). The PMAs are given to musicians, music supporters, and music organizations that have demonstrated the highest level of achievement and have contributed significantly to the musical culture of New Mexico. Anyone can nominate musicians, composers, music-related businesses (music stores, studios, production facilities, record labels, etc.), and organizations. Proceeds of the Platinum Music Awards ceremony and show benefit education initiatives of the New Mexico Music Commission and its Foundation, most notable their Music in Schools and Art2Art programs.
The New Mexico Music Commission and Foundation launched the Platinum Music Awards on Friday, July 21, 2017, at the Lensic Performing Arts Center, in Santa Fe. In addition to honoring seven major music figures, some of New Mexico’s best and most diverse musical talent performed in this unique musical variety show. The 2018 PMA Show, held August 30, added six additional honorees.
The 2019 Platinum Music Awards Show was held on Friday, August 23, 2019 at the Lensic Performing Arts Center.
Lee Berk Award
The Lee Berk Award is selected and awarded by the members of the NMMC Foundation to an individual or organization who has made a major contribution to the excellence, vitality, and public appreciation of New Mexico’s music industry. The purpose of this award is to honor the non-performance sector, those often behind the scenes. Named after the influential music advocate and educator, Lee Berk, this award recognizes a lifetime of achievement in New Mexico’s music industry.
Explore The PMA Videos at our YouTube Channel
Each year we document the award show for all to watch and enjoy. Show highlights and our dedication videos for each honoree are available for viewing on our PMA YouTube Channel. Check them out by clicking the button below.
2020 Platinum Music Awards Calendar
To be announced.